"Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun." - Alan Watts
Of the five major features of Enlightenment reason—objectivity, competence, autonomy, universality, and being an individual faculty—Kant rejects objectivity. Once reason is so severed from reality, the rest is details—details that are worked out over the next two centuries.
This idea of authenticity was novel When Socrates said "Know thyself", he didn't mean it like we mean it today, where you should get in touch with your true self and self-actualize. “Know thyself" really meant "know thy place" amazon.com/Being-Authenti…
A true atheist knows that nothing ultimately matters and lives a relatively carefree life. A true believer knows that it’s all in God’s hands and lives a relatively carefree life. Lot of agnostics out there.
Every Theory Is Held Inside a Physical Substrate nav.al/substrate pic.twitter.com/rFvWz4ey47
Every man is at war with himself, except a Buddha.
Pain is a fact. Suffering is a choice.
We Explain the Seen in Terms of the Unseen nav.al/unseen pic.twitter.com/MnNBSmBUlf
I should have known him 5 years ago @Naval Ravikant - Intellectual Curiosity & 3 STEP LIFE FRAMEWORK youtu.be/pmqpJsVH01w via @YouTube
It’s the nature of truth that once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Pessimism Seems Like an Intellectually Serious Position nav.al/pessimism pic.twitter.com/NE3GoQjlKX
Rational Optimism Is the Way Out nav.al/optimism pic.twitter.com/sxiGhjjUW0
"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet." ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Epictetus: “If you aim at great things, you must not allow yourself inclination toward the attainment of other things, however slight; but you must entirely quit some of them, and for the present postpone the rest.”
B. We need people to create new words • Before @EricRWeinstein introduced Asch-Negative, there weren’t any words to truly describe it - resulting in low adoption • Society’s belief system is like open-sourced software • New words create new functions & forks in the code
What is truth? A thread:
1/ A thread on why PHILOSOPHY has no RIGHT or WRONG answers, and what can you do when questions of free will, morality, liberty and meaning confuse you.
Property 1/ Widely adopted morals gradually disappear from one’s moral framework, and simply become a norm. Nobody talks about slavery anymore, and yet it was a topic of intense debate in 18th and 19th century.
Is the 🌍 world becoming better? (a thread exploring this question)
What an astonishing thing a book is. A flat object made from a tree on which funny dark squiggles are imprinted. But one glance at it and you’re inside the mind of another. Maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, they speak directly to you. —Carl Sagan