The Heartbreaking Effects of Being Only Partly Committed to Most Things zenhabits.net/the-heartbreak…

Monkey Mind: Shifting the Habit of Feeling Distracted Throughout the Day zenhabits.net/monkey/

If you could be very comfortable in the middle of uncertainty, fear & change ... what would change for you?
The Honest Guide to Mindfulness zenhabits.net/honest-mindful…
The Uncertainty of What You Should Be Working on Right Now zenhabits.net/right-now/
Cut Through Addictions & Distractions: Feel the Discomfort & Uncertainty zenhabits.net/feel-discomfor…
Sloggy Days – When You Don’t Want To Do Anything coyotejackson.com/sloggy-days-wh…
Master Your Relationship to Time zenhabits.net/master-time/

Coming Back to Powerful Habits (plus 6 Powerful Habits) zenhabits.net/coming-back/
Undone: The Unprocrastination Challenge zenhabits.net/undone-challen…
Zen Habits Lessons: 10 Powerful Things I've Learned This Past Decade zenhabits.net/decade-lessons/
The Get Active & Fit Challenge for January! zenhabits.net/get-active-cha…
The Create Fearlessly Challenge zenhabits.net/create-fearles…
Wolves at Your Heels: The Fear That You’re Always Behind, Doing the Wrong Thing, & Generally Screwing Things Up Royally zenhabits.net/wolves/
A Guide to Dealing with Uncertainty About What Path to Take zenhabits.net/uncertainty-gu…

"I wish I could show you…the astonishing light of your own being." ~Hafez
We can treat the singularly important task in front of us as a sacred activity. That means elevating it to something worthy of devotion, worthy of our full love and full presence.
Favorite resource for helping you to tackle the problem of getting meaningful work done?
You Absolutely Can Tackle the Big Things You've Been Avoiding zenhabits.net/avoidance/
A powerful practice: Develop an attitude of friendliness towards anything your awareness touches — other people, the world, yourself. Warmth, love, friendliness towards everything.
3 Steps to Deepen Your Mindfulness Practice zenhabits.net/deepen/
If you could move mountains and harness magic, what powerful change would you create in the world?
Dealing with the Immense Uncertainty of the World zenhabits.net/immense-uncert…

4 Mindfulness Practices That We Need Right Now zenhabits.net/4-practices/
The Importance of Meditation in Crazy Times zenhabits.net/crazy-times/

What would you like to give yourself permission to do more this week?
The Practice of Meticulous Attention zenhabits.net/the-practice-o…

Which Babauta are you 2020 Edition (from my daughter @chloebabauta buzzfeed.com/chloeesi/which…