"Take a simple idea and take it seriously." —Charlie Munger Doing a few sets of pushups each day is a simple idea. Saving at least 10% of your income is a simple idea. Sending Thank You notes is a simple idea. ...but most people don't take simple ideas seriously.
@avichal Munger is a man of great wisdom whose commentary and writings are an indispensable part of the investing canon. One idea I think is essential to push back on is “invest in what you know”. This is a fundamental Mindset flaw and surprised this view is being ascribed twitter.com/avichal/status…
The @ProfileRead's most popular deep-dive is the one featuring Charlie Munger, the master of mental models. Here are 8 lessons I've learned from his life & career. 👇 pic.twitter.com/3rOoLOQ4IL

Munger's Law: • Never allow yourself to have an opinion on a subject unless you can state the opposing argument better than the opposition can. Steelman Arguments > Strawman Arguments