Ford on Edison:

The natural world *can*—and *must*—be bent to accommodate humanity's needs and desires. It's how we survive and thrive.…

I will always have a deep sense of accountability to Warren, paying close attention to the data to track our progress and identify areas where we can do better. But the value of Warren’s gift goes beyond anything that can be measured.
I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1000 things. —Steve Jobs The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything. —Warren Buffett

Innovators are T-shaped. They are experts in a narrow field. But they also have a big intellectual toolbox, which offers new entry points and lines of attack for solving problems. Read widely. As the saying goes, "Know something about everything and everything about something."

Who are the best business and systems thinkers of all-time? -Peter Drucker -W. Edwards Deming -John Gall -Donella Meadows Who else?
Who is one person that is no longer alive that you wish you could apprentice under? (Bonus points for explaining why.)
Michael when he entered the league vs. after bulking up. Imagine being NBA Rookie of the Year, and yet still so raw. He always had the talent, then battling the Pistons pushed him to the next level.

Who are some actors or athletes that defy the stereotype of “just a pretty face” or “dumb jock”? Beauty and athleticism are important in those fields, but who has brains and intellectual curiosity to go with it?

What's your favorite reminder of how ridiculously good someone is at something? I always think about this article on Lionel Messi:…
Thinkers associated w/ revolutions: Communist in Russia & China - Marx French - Jean-Jacques Rousseau American - John Locke Nazi - Hegel, Fichte, some Marx, but mostly Nietzsche.
I can give you a rundown of all the entrepreneurs, scientists, and writers who succeeded not because they were good in school but because they allowed their passion projects to consume them. You know who they are. Their success is often accompanied by an obsession.
At 17, Everette Taylor (@Everette) was homeless after dropping out of high school. Knowing what he wanted in life, Everette began his entrepreneurial journey at 19. By 28, Everette had built 4 multi-million dollar businesses. Here’s his story 👇

In just 30 minutes, @artsy's @Everette joins #AdweekChat to talk marketing, accessibility in the art field, career goals and more. Join us from 2 - 3 PM ET! Check out "The Underdog Tips for Success" and more on his CMO Moves episode with @NadineDietz:…

If ever there were a time to employ mental health practices in your routine and career, it’s now. Learn how @daratreseder, @dckarkos, @ajlucio5, @StephMcMahon, @DanielCherryIII, @rosi_ajjam, Patricia Corsi, @KellynKenny and @Everette stay mentally fit.
Today's an exciting day! Today we announce members of For(bes) The Culture's new advisory board--a group of thought leaders whose rich experiences and robust networks will help us keep a finger on the cultural pulse of our ever-changing world. More here:…
From a homeless 17-year-old to Artsy’s CMO, @Everette, shares what he’s learned throughout his extraordinary marketing career and his key to success with LinkedIn's News' @cschweitz:
Honored to be included on the @Forbes CMO Next List with incredible CMOs from some of the top brands in the world. All credit goes to my incredible marketing team at @Artsy.…
Reading Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" again this week was moving to my soul, hope you all take a chance to do so as well:…
This is absolutely right. I encourage every leader to examine the matrix laid out in this article. The "perfect mix" of leading through crisis involves expecting results and making tough decisions, we’ve termed it “Empathy + Urgency.”…
Congrats @ajassy as you take the helm as CEO at Amazon. You are a fantastic business leader, and have always been a great partner to work with. Can’t wait to see how you innovate across the Amazon community!
Perfect sentiment @gregorymbryant. "Computing is no longer just personal. It must be--purposeful.…
I’m thrilled for @VMware, Raghu as its new CEO and the board for a great selection. Cheering you on to even greater success and impact!…
In the words of a man I consider to be one of the most influential of the past hundred years, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” - Winston Churchill #MemorialDay
Travis Kalanick is hard to bet against. Guy is unstoppable and is the best type of founder: Rich but with a chip on his shoulder. (Obviously, Business Insider needs to stay on brand and try to make him sound evil, but great article regardless)…
Justin Gatlin's longevity is absolutely amazing. The guy's nearly 39 years old. - At 22, he was Olympic 100m champion. - At 38 he was the 100m World Champion - At this year's Olympics he has a solid chance to win/medal

I wanna get @DaveGrutman and @barrysternlich1 (Barry sternlich) on the pod to break down how the hotel biz works. If u can land one of the as a guest, I’ll give your co a shout out on the pod. Close to 1m monthly listeners, so they’ll get good reach (that’s your pitch to em)
Been listening to a cool pod that does bios on interesting people. Edison, Rothschild, Napoleon. Those types. 1 interesting trait I've noticed many of them share: they eat very little food. Odd, right? The pod I found that I'm referencing:…
The gap that Kanye will exploit is to run as a unity candidate.
Today's @ProfileRead Dossier features @TomBrady, who is considered the greatest quarterback of all time. "You wanna know which ring is my favorite? The next one." Let's take a closer look at Brady's life & career in the NFL 👇👇👇