In creative work, there is a big difference between having a regular deadline to produce *something* vs. a *specific* thing. Shipping/publishing regularly keeps you honest. Pre-determining direction is harmful: it sets constraints right at the moment when you know the least.

Shipping/publishing regularly keeps you honest. Pre-determining direction is harmful: it sets constraints right at the moment when you know the least.
Speaking of Jay, his podcast Creative Elements is definitely the rare joint Rookie of the Year / MVP podcast. The episode where he picks @JamesClear’s brain about his writing process is 🤩 for aspiring writers.…
Follow the most creative people on Twitter.…

Photographers: What's the best photo storage/management solution if you... - Use Apple phone and computer - Edit in Adobe Lightroom/Photoshop - Run your business with Google G Suite Everyone has a cloud option, but what's the simplest way to get it all to play nicely together?
Books for mindset. Quiet time to think for strategy. Conversations with successful peers for tactics.
Who are some actors or athletes that defy the stereotype of “just a pretty face” or “dumb jock”? Beauty and athleticism are important in those fields, but who has brains and intellectual curiosity to go with it?

Imagine that you get six months with no outside demands or responsibilities. Your only job is to find your ideal spot to think and write. Where do you go and what does it look like?
Creators do the work and let others grade the outcome. Consumers grade the outcome and let others do the work.
The trajectory of a creative career: First, quantity. To find your style, hone your skills, and build an audience. Then, quality. To test yourself, expand your audience, and advance your career.
You can attract luck simply by sharing your work publicly.
If you think you can learn a lot from reading books, try writing one.
The more you create, the more powerful you become. The more you consume, the more powerful others become.
1. Do great work. 2. Share it publicly. 3. Cold email people 2 steps ahead of you. 4. Talk about your work and trade ideas. 5. Host events and meet in-person. 6. Become friends. 7. Rise together.

respect your "art" (acting, jokes, business, parenting, actual art, son) more than your friends opinions of it