What are great things to read about the invention and development of the locomotive and the railroad? (Have already read Ambrose's *Nothing Like It in the World*, currently reading Smiles's biography of the Stephensons)
Most people don't read → if you read books at all, you are more educated than most Even among those who read, most haven't read a book on X. If you read one book on X, you know more about it than the vast majority Read 2–3 books on one topic, and you're practically an expert twitter.com/Scholars_Stage…
Innovators are T-shaped. They are experts in a narrow field. But they also have a big intellectual toolbox, which offers new entry points and lines of attack for solving problems. Read widely. As the saying goes, "Know something about everything and everything about something."

Imagine you are reading the best book in the world on how to accomplish more in less time. What concept or strategy absolutely has to be covered in that book?
The quality of your thoughts is determined by the quality of your reading. twitter.com/jimmpierce/sta…
What is one book you've read that is so good it's worth reading again?
Imagine you are reading the best book in the world on how to make good decisions and avoid bad ones. What concept or strategy absolutely has to be covered in that book?
When reading books or listening to podcasts or taking advice, remember that everyone is biased to their personal history. The world is complex and there is no single path to a success. Look for patterns that are repeated across many successful people, not single stories.
Reading can teach you the best of what others already know. Reflection can teach you the best of what only you can know.
Books are more likely to change minds than conversations. There is too much happening internally during conversation: - Did that sound stupid? - What do they think of me? - Will I lose the friendship over this opinion? Books can let you chew on an idea without social risk.
Read books that are relevant to what you want to achieve and reading will never seem boring.
Imagine you are reading the best book in the world on how to how to prioritize your time. What concept or strategy absolutely has to be covered in that book?
What is one book that is incredibly practical and actionable, but is hard to find or no longer in print?
If you think you can learn a lot from reading books, try writing one.
I like collecting examples of “useful fictions.” These are ideas that are generally helpful to believe—even if they are not factually true. One of my favorites: “The universe is conspiring in my favor.” What else?
Imagine you are reading the best book in the world on which decisions to make quickly, which ones to not make quickly, and how to distinguish between the two. What concept or strategy absolutely has to be covered in that book?
A study found that 58% of all Americans never read for pleasure after they graduate from school. 🤔 A better approach👇🏼 twitter.com/anafabrega11/s…

Read what you love until you love to read.
Listening to books instead of reading them is like drinking your vegetables instead of eating them.
Read the books they want to ban.
@chennaikat Read to satisfy your own natural curiosity, not to impress or accomplish. Re-read the basics (from different angles) until they make sense to you. Start on solid ground - physics & math. Filter - most popular books are propaganda. Don’t memorize, specialize, or use jargon.
Good books often sell like crazy when they launch - and then fade away. Great books often don't sell when they launch - and then become classics decades later. The Sovereign Individual is a great book. Imagine writing this in 1997. pic.twitter.com/CLfj1ETuB4

12/ Take your time in searching for challenging books. A simple heurestic to know whether a book was good: are you thinking differently about the world after reading it? If not, the book was mental junk food.
7/ So what is to be done for learning from books? What works for me: summarizing key insights and ideas from the book in my own words. Just copy-pasting or typing underlined sentences is not enough.
6/ It's easy to get fooled into thinking that you're learning when you're reading books. Reading != learning. Learning happens when you've digested and internalized the idea from many angles, and have made it your own. That takes an active effort beyond reading.
1/ A thread on how to get the MOST out of the BOOKS you read.
Books are like new apps that you install in your brain.
Since nuance is boring, you should assume that almost everything you find interesting upon reading is selectively reporting facts to convince you of their preferred stance.