Leaders: to understand team inertia, imagine piloting a vehicle large enough to hold your team. Two co-founders fit on a motorcycle. A team of 4–5 is a sedan. By 20, you're driving a bus. At 2000, it's a battleship. A motorcycle pivots faster than a ship. That's team inertia.

Leaders: to understand team inertia, imagine piloting a vehicle large enough to hold your team.
Two co-founders fit on a motorcycle. A team of 4–5 is a sedan. By 20, you're driving a bus. At 2000, it's a battleship.
To get to net-zero emissions globally by 2050, leaders from around the world must work together. It’s encouraging to see governments, business leaders, and financial institutions committing to a successful COP26 in Glasgow later this year. b-gat.es/3a10WiC
CEOs often remind everyone of the mission of the company and reinforce the vision. It helps keep people focused on what matters. What if parents did something similar? What would your mission statement be for your family?
The world’s shortest leadership philosophy: Always know the answer to, “What are we optimizing for?” Recruit. Recruit. Recruit. Never ask someone to do something you aren’t willing to do yourself. Be easy on the person. Be tough on the problem. Give all the credit away.
Stay small even if you can afford to be big. The more people you have on the team, the harder it is to get everyone rowing in the same direction. The cost of consensus is more expensive than the cost of payroll.
Artsy CMO Everette Taylor on his entrepreneurial ethos, millionaires' art investments, expanding the art market, and his most prized possession—a portrait of himself by artist Henry Taylor. bit.ly/3qdhsCF
Today's an exciting day! Today we announce members of For(bes) The Culture's new advisory board--a group of thought leaders whose rich experiences and robust networks will help us keep a finger on the cultural pulse of our ever-changing world. More here: forbes.com/sites/forbesth…
From a homeless 17-year-old to Artsy’s CMO, @Everette, shares what he’s learned throughout his extraordinary marketing career and his key to success with LinkedIn's News' @cschweitz: lnkd.in/eCG_7Ri
Honored to be included on the @Forbes CMO Next List with incredible CMOs from some of the top brands in the world. All credit goes to my incredible marketing team at @Artsy. twitter.com/ForbesCMO/stat…
The most impactful things you do as a leader of a company will not be seen from those on the outside
Vision alone won't get us through this crisis. No leader had the current pandemic in their "2020 vision." The best leaders are able to look past vision alone, and practice crucial skills like workplace empathy. bit.ly/2y62LLn
As leaders, the most important question you must be able to answer effectively is "why." bit.ly/2LGfkQI
If you can't lead in times of crisis then you aren't a leader! Excited to be partnering with City Gospel Movements (@CGM_Palau) to share how we can #LeadInCrisis. Here are my "5 Ls of Leadership." pic.twitter.com/RPft6uuFUS
This is crucial to recognize and understand. More often than not, solutions to our biggest struggles are not simple. There are no "quick fixes" to the problems we face today including COVID-19 or systemic racism. bit.ly/3i7PX9c
I found this research really interesting. The three factors that have played the biggest role in CEO's COVID-19 responses: Glass half full vs half empty, Costs vs people, and short term vs long term thinking. bit.ly/32r5Pym
I've found empathy and compassion to be crucial leadership skills throughout my career. For me, it's about establishing a connection with employees and making them feel comfortable around you. The importance of these skills has only increased in 2020. bit.ly/33AuccW
Another key leadership skill in this new world is adaptability. Our society will continue to evolve at an accelerated pace, and leaders must embrace the growth mindset to thrive. bit.ly/38R3tMm
This is absolutely right. I encourage every leader to examine the matrix laid out in this article. The "perfect mix" of leading through crisis involves expecting results and making tough decisions, we’ve termed it “Empathy + Urgency.” hbr.org/2020/12/compas…
You lead by being willing to walk alone.
Founders should take weekends+vacations off: 1. Time to think high level outside the daily grind 2. The last 10% of time is the least productive 3. Avoid burn out I used to feel guilty about it, but now I see it as essential. Startups are a 10+ yr marathon not a 3 month sprint
Humanity's most consistent fallacy is assuming the present moment has it figured out. We look back and laugh at our assumptions from 50 years ago. Whilst simultaneously forgetting that 50 years from now they be will be laughing at us.
"If your job is to make decisions, it’s worth treating it like any other subject to get better at." - Tobi Whenever he makes a decision, he keeps a small log file with one paragraph explaining what information he used to make that decision. He reviews it every 6 months
This results in what I call “The Doerr Problem” Whatever is easiest to be measured will be optimised for We chase width because it’s easy to measure “What gets measured gets managed.” - John Doerr If you can measure depth, you could change the internet’s click bait culture

5. CEO's > Presidents • With the rise of a remote population that can migrate easier, @balajis argues that future presidents will look like CEO's. • They will focus less on politics - and more on sales, recruitment, and product of their city. • Early signs are here...
6. Calendar-Priority Alignment • When @rabois meets with a new CEO, he asks to see: 1. Their priorities 2. Their calendar • They rarely ever match. • So simple. So obvious. Rarely ever done. I felt stupid after hearing it.
Not winning does not imply losing. (a thread on perils of 🔀 binary thinking)
1/ LOVE reading SUCCESS STORIES? A thread on how to CRITICALLY DISSECT a success story, to PREVENT you from NARRATIVE FALLACY and to HELP you POKE HOLES in ANYONE-CAN-DO-ANYTHING message that billionaires, Olympians, and famous actors love to throw around. pic.twitter.com/rPR7W1bAR2

1/n How to tweet cognitive biases when you get paid to think. (That is, when you're an entrepreneur, CEO, software engineer, scientist, doctor, journalist, etc.)
1/ A thread on DECISION MAKING. Big decisions are gut-wrenching, but really they shouldn't be. In this thread, I write about "metathinking", a process that helps me take decisions confidently. pic.twitter.com/z1ZQLCgtpI

2/ 1. Everyone wants to progress, but only leaders are willing to sacrifice for it We all know what’s good for us: exercising regularly, eating healthy food, quitting smoking, and meditating. Yet, how many of us have the willpower to follow through?