If you genuinely care about the goal, you’ll focus on the system.
The gaming and fun and entertainment part of #nfts - Aka “willing to pay” to enjoy … even when you loss $$$ … like an arcade/ carnival / sports betting ect … is a factor in the psychology that will play out
Since 1520, only about 85 institutions have remained continuously in existence. Around 70 are universities – few things last longer or are more resilient than universities. H/t @ani_pai
Some of the big challenges in higher ed👇 - Price is too high & rising - Too much student debt - Too many students dropping out - Too many students underemployed - Credential inflation - Misaligned incentives on multiple levels - Oligopolistic market dynamics prevent competition
UNDEREMPLOYED - Only 50% of employed college graduates got jobs requiring a college degree & only 37% take jobs requiring just a high school diploma. - Over 100,000 w/ bachelor's degrees became janitors. Over 5,000 people w/ master's degrees became janitors.
There seems to be either an increasingly bigger gap between how the world is and how we wish it to be—and/or the epistemic rupture between the two is growing larger.
Finland has it figured out: Less IS More Less Formal Schooling = More Play Less Time in School = More Options Fewer Classes= More Breaks Less Testing = More Learning Fewer Topics = More Depth Less Homework = More Participation Less Structure = More Trust

Our education system is built around extrinsic motivators. Educators and parents default to external rewards and consequences because it’s easy and works short term. Here's the problem with this approach👇🏼

The traditional 7-hour school day includes *less than 3 hours* of formal instruction. Which can be covered in 1.5 hours... Which is more than what most kids can absorb anyway...

"If you’re running an institution based on compliance and obedience, you don’t reach for motivation as a tool."— Seth Godin. Learning is driven by curiosity, not fear.

When we make metrics, standards, and curriculum the focus, we seem to forget the main reason why schools even exist: Kids

Intelligence is overrated. Great thinkers are built, not born. Let's talk about why 🪡

Proof of Reserve oracles can fix the auditing processes that have failed to uncover fraud and false claims. We don't have to rely on "Trust Us" promises if we have Cryptographically guaranteed systems, backed by definitive truth. drive.google.com/file/d/1rDqjGM… youtube.com/watch?v=yNdS2A… pic.twitter.com/KJKIEYmWGD
All systems insulated from feedback from free markets or natural forces eventually get corrupted.
Evolution works by mutation and selection. Innovation works by trial and error. Science works by conjecture and criticism. Free markets work by entrepreneurship and risk. All truth-seeking systems work roughly the same way.
1/ A short thread on HOW EVOLUTION EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. PS: I 😍 evolution precisely because it explains a majority of what we see around us!
1/ A short thread on ENTROPY, and its misapplications.
1/ I’ve been trying to understand ENTROPY for the last couple of days. Here is what I’ve learned + common misconceptions.
1/n Ola acquired FoodPanda yesterday. Food delivery is a business that loses money with each transaction. Then, why did Ola acquire it? What future could Ola be seeing in a food delivery company? I think the answer lies in learning from Netflix.
1/n Does winner takes all in tech when network effects are present? The answer is more complex than a simple yes. Understanding the nuance of network effects is the key to knowing when winner takes all, and when startups have a chance.
So this is brave of @RayDalio to write why capitalism is failing and how profit-maximization ethic has become self-destructive for the society. There are a few significant misses in his analysis and recommendations: (A thread that you never asked for) twitter.com/RayDalio/statu…
1/ Here’s a little (true) story of how technology + capitalism worsens life quality by converting people into commodities.
A short list of ☯️ paradoxes in economics and society. trust me, you'll be fun at parties if you know about them 🎉🎉 (a thread)
47/ You can either prefer simple to understand, less accurate model or a complex but more accurate model. (Of course, throw away your complex and inaccurate models).