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Tony Ennis
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How to design almost any UI element. A curated list of 61 articles 👇

I've gotten a few q's about finding domains of newly created sites on Shopify, Squarespace, Wix, etc. Use DNS enumeration to uncover all DNS records associated with a domain. It's usually used to find vulnerabilities in companies to hack or patch -- but you can also use it to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/5mA7pRcY3D

owencoonahan tweet image

Ever wondered why apps like @linear, @arcinternet, @airtable, and @frame_io feel like gliding on ice, while others feel like trudging through mud? It’s not subjective nor based on taste, it’s all about precise, measurable front-end rendering techniques I call ‘FluidUI.’ The… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Before I moved to Switzerland, I thought Switzerland operated like the rest of Europe: socialist, more entitlements than working hours, beautiful wine-filled summers by the water, and grey potato-filled winters hibernating in your ikea aesthetic apartment. The latter is… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/B9vBmVe771

calilyliu tweet image

Modern CSS is TOO good. Disable scrollbars when this dialog is both a modal, and open No JS, no state, no classes, no aria labels - just a few lines of CSS pic.twitter.com/1YEAfEdRzQ

wesbos tweet image
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You think housing prices will keep going up because you've seen it all your life. But this is a historic anomaly that is likely to reverse soon: Prices might start shrinking in many places. This thread is the case against investing in housing: pic.twitter.com/nyBxaSxow3

tomaspueyo tweet image

This seems important - TLDR many trends that increased demand for housing are flattening or reversing. Not guaranteed that growth will continue

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Saved to Real Estate

I wonder.. are there more Ruby developers who are billionaires than for any other programming language? Think founders of GitHub, HashiCorp, and Shopify, at least..

a post about ADHD that's really stuck with me disentangling shame about "wasted potential," recalibrating sense of "top speed" vs sustainable speed: "that’s like saying if Usain Bolt just kept going he could be the fastest marathon runner in the world" tumblr.com/everyonehasamn… pic.twitter.com/DHdUTYczrs

SarahAMcManus tweet image
Saved to ADHD

If you ever have difficulty reading the structure of JSON data try jsoncrack.com. Anytime I have difficulty understanding how data is nested I just copy and paste it hear to get a good visual. Thank me later 😉 pic.twitter.com/8W9QP2637l

dennisivy11 tweet image

Wow this is cool. You can find business ideas by searching through troves of Reddit data. Product is called Gummy Search and it's basically a search engine for Reddit. 1000s of good business ideas by simply searching: "I wish" "I hate" "I need" gummysearch.com pic.twitter.com/59icmfm82q

about 10 hours ago

@DanKirner @chrismanfrank The book Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is only $17 on Amazon, and it's great!

Saved to Parenting

@dangugel ~5 big MySQL servers, one primary. Handful of Redis servers. Web was ~30 servers running unicorn. The rest were git file servers, & then we had CI machines, etc. Search was on AWS.

I often found myself on a tedious hunt for movies & TV shows that weren't available for streaming in my country. Realizing the need for a seamless solution, we created one. Introducing whereto.stream pic.twitter.com/9NURiYNyOM

Saved to Bookmarks

CSS text reveal on scroll 📜 <span style="--start: 210; --end: 280;">details</span> span { animation: reveal; animation-timeline: --section; animation-range: contain calc(var(--start) * 1px) contain calc(var(--end) * 1px); } @​keyframes reveal { 0% { opacity: 0.2; }} pic.twitter.com/IAD8hkwIma x.com/jh3yy/status/1…

Saved to Swipe File

📨 How to land all cold emails in inbox in 2024: 1/ Avoid sending more than 80-100 emails per day from one email address to prevent getting marked as spam 2/ Never use your main company domain or its subdomains to send emails as it can harm your domain's reputation 3/ Avoid… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/7pR9oYUxpU

Saved to cold email
about 3 hours ago

I'm torn between two shades of black. I love them both equally and can't decide which one to use. Which one do you like? pic.twitter.com/1efGfItnDY

uxwoodsy tweet image
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about 2 hours ago

I want to experiment with the pricing plans: Does daily price/cost sound cheap? Or does it make the value proposition stronger? pic.twitter.com/Mj1YpXCIHx

forgebitz tweet image
Saved to Swipe File
about 2 hours ago

In 2010 I drank the single page application cool aid. I thought they provided the most optimal UX. But having implemented a few I realised that they often provide slow and inaccessible experiences. Here’s why: adamsilver.io/blog/the-probl…

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"But.. okay so maybe AGI would be 1000x smarter than us and have better things to do than care for apes. Maybe it wouldn't use earth's resources and would just go into the galaxy - and let us have earth, right? Maybe it'll all be okay, right?" pic.twitter.com/6jBm4bCnNz

danfaggella tweet image
Saved to AGI risk

We were planning to ship the customizable <selectlist> as a new element, not we're reusing the <select> element. What should we call this to differentiate it from the current <select> when talking about it? [POLL]

Saved to html first

This morning Samo Burja went on a podcast with some very hard words for nuclear energy. I want address them immediately. But not because he's wrong. Instead, because he got a few CRUCIAL things right; and the hard truths he tells go to the core of why I started Valar Atomics. pic.twitter.com/dgrXxiaoHa

Saved to Nuclear

The code for anchor positioning has had a major ✨glow up✨ since I first started working with/on it! Here is all the code you need to get a basic anchor now: .tooltip { bottom: calc(anchor(top)); position-try-options: flip-block; justify-self: anchor-center; } pic.twitter.com/7YZKKT7KQ6

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Steal this code to add a little progressively-enhanced entry/exit animation to your popovers or dialogs /* IS-OPEN */ [popover]:popover-open { translate: 0 0; } /* EXIT*/ [popover] { transition: translate 0.5s ease-out, display 0.5s ease-out allow-discrete; translate: 0… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/VnzX3NfguJ

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I think if I’m being totally honest, I would not advise anybody to move to NYC. I used to be either encouraging or just quiet if asked my opinion on this. However it really seems to be the case that most people end up slightly worse for living here.


UI/UX Designers, here is my favorite color generator tool I do recommend for every designer. Bookmark it for later 💜 you'll love it Website → randoma11y.com pic.twitter.com/aKOJXMSQVb

Saved to usefu

Over the past year I’ve been favoring class methods over PORO (plain old Ruby objects) for business logic and love this approach. So much easier to organize, test, reuse and refactor.

This is insane. A new high school outside Dallas dedicated 1/3 of their floor space to entrepreneurship. The 1st floor is a mall, where 15+ local businesses set up shop so students can be mentored, apply for jobs & learn how to run a biz. There's also a: - recording studio -… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/3u3Ees8H5n

Saved to Education

Guys. Heads up. Let’s talk about H5N1. There have been SEVERAL bad takes and BLATANT misinformation circulating regarding this strain of bird flu so I figured it was a good idea to make a thread about it. Stay calm. Stay vigilant. Know your facts. Here’s ALL you need to know.🧵⬇️

Saved to h5n1

This was such a revelation to me, as a 40+ late-diagnosed ADHDer. Never in my life has a "habit" been something done on autopilot. ALWAYS it's been a chain built from bottom-up logic where I associate X event with Y activity quite consciously... 1/? x.com/SNeurotypicals…

Saved to ADHD