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Tony Ennis
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Meet the new Arrowsβ€”sales rooms + onboarding plans + client portals πŸ’˜ All in a single platform. Each purpose-built + built natively for HubSpot. But... why?? 🀝 We've always said customer onboarding should be an extension of the sales process. The best companies build tons of… x.com/i/web/status/1… pic.x.com/xhapurichz

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πŸ”— Alternatives to Using Pure Black (#000000) for Text and Backgrounds uxplanet.org/alternatives-t… #a11y #design pic.x.com/abbtexhmlg

SaraSoueidan tweet image
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And you could do the whole thing without JavaScript πŸ€™ β€’ Use the HTML [popover] API (nested) β€’ CSS starting-style to transition open/close ⭐️ β€’ Anchor positioning βš“οΈ <button popovertarget="menu"></button> <div popover="auto" id="menu"></div> pic.x.com/qzwniy6onf x.com/raunofreiberg/…

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Switching word combos on scroll with CSS πŸ–±οΈ main { animation: switch both steps(3); animation-timeline: view(); } @​keyframes switch { to { --i: 3; }} .words__track { translate: 0 calc(var(--i) * -100%); } Result of a DM request πŸ‘‡ pic.x.com/q77bl0c2sg

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about 6 hours ago

Need to conditionally inherit from something but not sure if its defined? Or need to have a soft dependency with rails / ActiveSupport? This is a nifty way I found that does the trick ✨ pic.x.com/opbqlkdsfx

SethHorsley tweet image
about 9 hours ago

If I had made a list of the top five qualities I desired in a spouse at 18, it would be very different from the list I would create today. Fortunately, by the time I first met my wife in college, I was starting to realize that character was a vital element in a strong… x.com/i/web/status/1…


Quick CSS tip: if you want to select the nth element with a certain class, `:nth-child` supports an `of` syntax. πŸ‘ pic.x.com/vms3srdx0d

stefanjudis tweet image
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Curious how top SaaS companies master onboarding? Surprisingly, I couldn’t find a single benchmarking report. So I spent 20 hours analyzing the top 100 SaaS' onboarding flows to summarize the core onboarding elements. (bookmark for later) pic.x.com/ywop5dcsit

siddharthvij_ tweet image
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why do all the alt-right pronatalist influencers talk about increased genetic mutations from older women conceiving children but they don't talk about the fact that sperm contribute far more of the mutations and have a much steeper aging curve relative to eggs? pic.x.com/jp3sgvwykt

zebulgar tweet image
Saved to Parenting

not my style but would be awesome to live with homies pic.x.com/5egcnvafni

pitdesi tweet image

TIL any <button> inside a form that's not a submit button you have to add <button type="button"> otherwise it's always a submit button by default x.com/i/web/status/1…

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Another beautiful customized select with a usable fallback πŸ§‘β€πŸ³πŸ˜˜ This API is awesome 😊 Makes my heart full to see this finally moving along in the WHATWG and browser prototypes ❀️ pic.x.com/yseagerw1t

Una tweet image
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πŸ’Ž Mobile UI Design Cheatsheet It covers essential UI design elements, from basic functional controls to content containers like sheets, snackbars, and dialogs. pic.x.com/btfouui7wb

101babich tweet image
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about 3 hours ago

CSS challenge: I’ve been working for a solution for leaders via SVG backgrounds with lines + stroke-dasharray: codepen.io/leaverou/pen/b… It *almost* works great except: 1. Is f*cked for long items (see 4 + source comments) 2. Needs a way to adjust the gap so that it always starts… x.com/i/web/status/1…

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about 2 hours ago

Chargebacks suck. A design agency paid Designjoy $5,000 for two branding projects and a website. After everything was done, they initiated a chargeback for the full amount. I thought, β€œthere’s no way I’m losing this”. After all, I had: - Every word of communication - Proof… x.com/i/web/status/1…

Saved to BankShame
about 3 hours ago

2 days and all I get this shitty automated email. What a premium service @SingaporeAir I got for $10k β€œDearΒ Sir/Madam, We are still trying to locate your delayed bag(s) and will provide another update in 12 hours. You can also check the status here, with your reference number.” x.com/mrnick_buzz/st…


This is exactly how to turn your expertise into a content strategy: pic.x.com/81ijlbw7ww

landforce tweet image

I've designed more landing pages in the past 5 months than in the last 5 years combined. Here are 9 key sections for a high-converting SaaS landing page: pic.x.com/1fooik6f0m

namyakhann tweet image
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THE NUMBER ONE CANCER IN THE US NAVY IS MELANOMA SO THEY DID A STUDY AND FOUND..... "personnel in indoor occupations had a higher age-adjusted incidence rate of melanoma. Persons who worked in occupations that required spending time both indoors and outdoors had the lowest rate.… x.com/i/web/status/1… pic.x.com/t0mw4eyxqu

BlueLightDiet tweet image
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High body temperature shuts down SARS CoV2 replication. Paper: we’ve been talking about this since the pandemic. Try not to treat fevers. Thanks to @TomNob7 for sharing. academic.oup.com/nar/article/50…

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Designs that impress. Delivered fast. Happy to announce that tolv.studio has officially launched! x.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/xGfxg9bgOe


Why are developers so quick to jump for an sdk/library to that just wraps an API, rather than like... Just write the http calls yourself?

The single most important thing I have learned about software development over my career is that if you do not aggressively fight complexity, it will eat you alive.

If you accept money anywhere online, you might be missing out if these attributes aren't in order pic.twitter.com/EAQ0ObJK5g

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We are entering the age of the IC. Individual contributors will be able to have >10x the impact they've had historically, and this will mean fewer total managers and layers at companies and many more people on senior IC career tracks for the long haul. Three big drivers of this… x.com/i/web/status/1…


@fahdananta Gym pass with a steam and sauna. $100/m Dream beam powder. Used to be addicted to sleeping pills. Moved to Beam. Sleep like a baby shopbeam.com/gregisenberg $75/m Milk Frother. Make cappuccinos everyday. From Amazon. Was like $50

Saved to Sleep

A carousel component in 20 lines of modern CSS. 😱 pic.twitter.com/EyeA5bnAVZ

lazaronixon tweet image
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