23 Youtube Videos about
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Joe Reacts to Kanye West's DONDA Outfit - YouTube
Uber is the Amazon of transportation: Shervin Pishevar - YouTube

Angel investor Shervin Pishevar on the outlook for Uber.FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all pl...

Make Abundance for the World - YouTube

Wealth isn't about taking something from somebody else—it's about creating abundance for the world. • Ethical wealth creation makes abundance for the world 0...

Principal-Agent Problem: Act Like an Owner - YouTube

If you think and act like an owner, it’s only a matter of time until you become an owner.• A principal is an owner; an agent is an employee 0:00• A principal...

Kelly Criterion: Avoid Ruin - YouTube

Don't ruin your reputation or get wiped to zero.• Don't bet everything on one big gamble 0:00• Ruining your reputation is the same as getting wiped to zero 0...

How to Angel Invest, Part 1 - YouTube

A preview of the Spearhead podcast: http://spearhead.co

Work the Least for It - YouTube

Happy people don’t have to work as hard. Transcript: http://nav.al/least

The Modern Struggle Is Fighting Weaponized Addiction - YouTube

Pursuing pleasure for its own sake creates addiction.Transcript: http://nav.al/addiction

Breaking Addiction is Socially Unacceptable - YouTube

Addiction holds together artificial relationships and fake activities.Transcript: http://nav.al/unacceptable

Finding Peace from Mind - YouTube

The mind should be a servant, not a master Transcript: http://nav.al/peace

Happiness Is Peace in Motion - YouTube

Peace is happiness at rest.Transcript: http://nav.al/peace-motion

The Closer You Are to the Truth, the More Silent You Become Inside - YouTube

Wise people are quiet. Transcript: http://nav.al/silent

Groups Search for Consensus, Individuals Search for Truth - YouTube

Even smart people go along with society’s lies. Transcript: http://nav.al/consensus

How to Angel Invest, Part 2 - YouTube

Excerpted from the Spearhead podcast: http://spearhead.coPart 1 is here: https://youtu.be/YLFHVye3Q7w

There Is No End of Science - YouTube

Transcript: http://nav.al/end

All Knowledge Is Conjectural - YouTube
We Explain the Seen in Terms of the Unseen - YouTube
Roam Research - Conor White-Sullivan (Antipessimist) - YouTube
Interview with Bronze Age Pervert - YouTube
Bronze Age Pervert - Bronze Age Mindset - YouTube
BAP-Vox Ch. 1, Bronze Age Pervert & Vox author Tara Burton
Caribbean Rhythms with BAP - Episode 15 - Some Thoughts on Art and Fraud - YouTube