104 Youtube Videos by
Naval Ravikant
Give Society What It Doesn't Know How to Get - YouTube

Society will pay you for creating what it wants, but doesn’t know how to get, and delivering it at scale.• Give society what it wants, but doesn't know how t...

The Internet Has Massively Broadened Career Possibilities - YouTube

The Internet has massively broadened the possible space of careers, by allowing you to scale any niche obsession.• The Internet has massively broadened the p...

Play Long-term Games With Long-term People - YouTube

Pick an industry where you can play long-term games with long-term people. All returns in life come from compound interest over many turns of the game.• Play...

Pick Partners With Intelligence, Energy and Integrity - YouTube

Picking partners with high intelligence, energy and integrity is the three-part checklist that you can't compromise on.• Pick business partners with high int...

Partner With Rational Optimists - YouTube

Don't partner with cynics and pessimists. Their beliefs are self-fulfilling.• Don't partner with pessimists 0:00• Partner with rational optimists 1:20• We're...

Specific Knowledge Is Highly Creative or Technical - YouTube

Specific knowledge tends to be creative or technical. On the bleeding edge of technology, art and communication.• Specific knowledge can be taught through ap...

Make Abundance for the World - YouTube

Wealth isn't about taking something from somebody else—it's about creating abundance for the world. • Ethical wealth creation makes abundance for the world 0...

Free Markets Are Intrinsic to Humans

We're the only animals who cooperate across genetic boundaries, because we can track credits and debits in voluntary exchanges.• Free markets are intrinsic t...

Live Below Your Means for Freedom - YouTube

People living far below their means enjoy a freedom that people busy upgrading their lifestyles just can't fathom.• People living below their means have free...

Make Luck Your Destiny - YouTube

Build your character in a way so luck becomes deterministic. • Build your character so luck becomes your destiny 0:00• Build your character so opportunity fi...

You Won't Get Rich Renting Out Your Time

You won't get rich renting out your time, because you can't earn non-linearly.• You won't get rich renting out your time 0:00• Renting out your time means yo...

Learn to Sell, Learn to Build - YouTube

Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable. • Learn to sell, learn to build 0:00• The Silicon Valley model is a builder and a...

Read What You Love Until You Love to Read

You should be able to pick up any book in the library and read it.• Read what you love until you love to read 0:00• Read the original scientific books in a f...

The Foundations Are Math and Logic - YouTube

If you understand logic and mathematics, you have the basis for understanding everything else.• The ultimate foundations are math and logic 0:00• It's better...

There's No Actual Skill Called Business - YouTube

There's no actual skill called business. Avoid business schools and magazines.• There's no actual skill called business 0:00• Doing is faster than watching 0...

Embrace Accountability to Get Leverage - YouTube

Embrace accountability. Society will reward you with leverage.• You have to have accountability to get leverage 0:00• Take business risks under your own name...

Take Accountability to Earn Equity - YouTube

If you have high accountability, you're less replaceable and you can get a piece of the business.• Accountability is how you're going to get equity 0:00• Tak...

Product and Media Are New Leverage

Product and media are the leverage of new wealth. Create software and media that work for you while you sleep.• Product and media are the new leverage 0:00• ...

Product Leverage Is Egalitarian - YouTube

Labor and capital are limited to the people who control those resources. But products reach global markets.• Product leverage is a positive-sum game 0:00• St...

Judgment Is the Decisive Skill - YouTube

Everything we've discussed so far has been setting you up to apply judgment.• In an age of infinite leverage, judgment becomes the most important skill 0:00•...

Set an Aspirational Hourly Rate - YouTube

If fixing a problem will save less than your rate, ignore it. If outsourcing a task will cost less than your hourly rate, outsource it.• Set and enforce an a...

Work As Hard As You Can - YouTube

Work as hard as you can. Even though what you work on and who you work with are more important.• Work as hard as you can 0:00• But what you work on and who y...

Keep Redefining What You Do - YouTube

Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.• Keep redefining what you do until you're the best at what you d...

Escape Competition Through Authenticity - YouTube

Competition can make you play the wrong game. No one can compete with you on being you.• Competition will trap you in a lesser game 0:00• No one can compete ...

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes - YouTube

Competition will blind you to greater games. You're one step away from a better market.• Businesses that seem like they're in direct competition really aren'...