Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner in economics, professor at CUNY, and columnist at the New York Times. His academic work centers around international eco...
Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) joins Shaan (@ShaanVP) and Sam (@TheSamParr) for this brainstorm. Codie is all about businesses that cashflowing right away. S...
Shaan (@ShaanVP) and Sam (@TheSamParr) talk with seed VC Mike Maples (@m2jr). Mike is a co-founding Partner at Floodgate. He has been on the Forbes Midas Lis...
Sam (@TheSamParr) and Shaan (@ShaanVP) break down opportunities created by the NCAA regulation changes. One of those ideas Sam said was the best he's heard i...
Pick an industry where you can play long-term games with long-term people. All returns in life come from compound interest over many turns of the game.• Play...
We're the only animals who cooperate across genetic boundaries, because we can track credits and debits in voluntary exchanges.• Free markets are intrinsic t...
If you understand logic and mathematics, you have the basis for understanding everything else.• The ultimate foundations are math and logic 0:00• It's better...
Embrace accountability. Society will reward you with leverage.• You have to have accountability to get leverage 0:00• Take business risks under your own name...
If you have high accountability, you're less replaceable and you can get a piece of the business.• Accountability is how you're going to get equity 0:00• Tak...
Calculate what future income is worth today by applying a discount to its future value.• Figure out what future income is worth today by applying a discount ...
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course:
Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners course: