@JamesClear James, I'm impressed by your ability to take simple words and spin profound new phrases that are dense with value. I would ask how you do it. But I'm guessing you'd say thoughtful action: steadily carving down ideas to their core components. Your tweet is Picasso's last bull: pic.twitter.com/qs1J4TAaP8

will_mannon tweet image

To master the creative process, give yourself permission to create junk. This is one of the many things I learned diving into everything @jamesclear has published on creativity and building a writing habit. Here's a thread of his best articles, tweets, and podcast appearances:

Speaking of Jay, his podcast Creative Elements is definitely the rare joint Rookie of the Year / MVP podcast. The episode where he picks @JamesClear’s brain about his writing process is 🤩 for aspiring writers. jayclouse.com/podcast/james-…

Thoughts on "going viral". A short thread...