Customer service reps are required to be nice to you, but this doesn't give you the liberty to be an asshole. Still be a decent human being.
the struggle between wanting nicer things for yourself/loved ones and being financially responsible/building wealth is real.
if you're investing in Bitcoin at these prices, more power to ya
you can't put everything in a box, not everything will make sense. life isn't neat, its unpredictable and messy. its all about how creative you can get with that mess.
most people are no smarter or talented than you, branding and perception is 95% of the battle.
...remind yourself, nobody built like you. you design yourself.
self-healing is a prerequisite to growth
how do you balance building a career + building a relationship? from personal experience, it seems like one or the other will suffer. I know, I know... with the right person yada yada but really though... time is a limited asset.

An excited recommendation from a friend > any commercial/ad

every tech IPO is a reminder that my true goal is to create a diverse company that whenever we exit, will create a bunch of new black/brown millionaires whom I hope to inspire to invest in other entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds.
I observe everything, just don't react to most of it. Just take mental notes and proceed accordingly. Life is simpler that way.
Don’t let companies trick you with cool perks but low pay. Financial freedom > cool shit any day.
PSA: One of the worst things you can do to hurt startups/small businesses is falsely dispute charges after receiving a product or service. Don't be a shitty person.
sometimes the difference between someone making it or not is genuine support and encouragement

Money is a funny thing. People have these imaginary numbers in their head of how much money they need to be “good” Truth is, most people adjust their lifestyle to their income even subconsciously and and they end up feeling like they need/want more.
tired of seeing so many people focused more on recognition than actually making an impact. just do the work, the rest will come.
most of the questions you have when seeking advice, you already know the answers deep down inside. listen to yourself, you don’t need to “pick someone’s brain” for that.
It’s a new era with social media and the internet, we now have direct access to see who artists truly are. Our parents could just enjoy the art and live in ignorant bliss with their favorite artists.
I want to start an organization to teach young boys and girls healthy ways to deal with depression and anxiety. Something I wish was available to the kids in my community growing up.
Probably an unpopular opinion but I think in the day and age of social media/personal branding...too often founders focus on being celebrated & not enough time being heads down & scaling some revolutionary shit. We're hopping on panels, doing interviews, etc before real success.
Personal brands solely built on depreciating assets (i.e. looks, current popular trend) are destined to fail. Gotta diversify, become versatile and be three steps ahead. Them checks won’t always be there.
focusing on the perception of success over actual success is mistake #1
I get asked about personal branding a lot, and I warn people...if you really want to build a personal brand then you should probably be comfortable working for yourself. The majority of companies will not be supportive and can make finding a job difficult/could cause job loss.
if you don’t own the company, use any job as a launchpad for something better. rinse & repeat.
I used to find satisfaction in proving people wrong.... now I find joy in proving myself right. big difference.
Most people have no idea the power of bad reviews and the effect it has on small businesses. If you truly have an unforgivably bad experience, I understand but if you’re just being a brat...chill and realize that can take food off people’s tables.
Your self worth can’t be wrapped up in who you know, the events you’re able to attend, who you’re “talking” to, the amount of followers you have, or material things. All too common now.
Instead of showing off that Rolls Royce headrest, grind and get your own. Instead of flaunting on someone’s jet or yacht, grind and get your own. Instead of partying at other people’s mansions, grind to get your own. Instead of name dropping, be the one who’s name is dropped.
its taken me almost 30 years to realize what being genuinely happy feels like. grateful for another year around the sun to be able to get to that point in my life and cheers to the homies that never got the chance to.
Respect > Recognition Awards and press are cool but most of that stuff is fluff. Rather have the respect of my contemporaries and others who really are about their business.